Learn the basics of planting bare-root strawberries in the spring. There are 3 varieties of strawberries you can purchase at your local greenhouse: June-bearing, day neutrals, and everbearing strawberries. June-bearing strawberries give you 1 large crop of strawberries, day neutrals are a preferred variety because it gives you a continuous crop of strawberries throughout the season, and everbearing strawberries are also a preferred variety since it produces such large, sweet fruits. We hope this information is useful. Happy gardening! 
  • Raised garden bed
    • Compost and soil mixed 
      • We used a mushroom-based compost due to the organic matter and nutrients it provides 
  • Variety of strawberries
    • Everbearing 
    • June-bearing 
    • Day neutral 
  • Gardening hand trowel
  • Sharp pruning shears or office scissors
    • Any sharp handheld pair of shears for trimming 
  • Measuring tool
    •  To measure the depth of the hole, as well as the length of the root 
  • A tub full of cool water
    • Soak plants for 1 hour prior to planting so that the structure is hydrated and less likely to shock during transplant 
  • Watering can
  1. Trim roots of plants once they are finished soaking for the recommended hour 
    1. Trim roots with pruning shears or office scissors about halfway- the extra length of roots is not needed as it can interfere with other roots 
  2. After trimming, measure the length of the root
  3. Dig a hole the length of your root with your gardening trowel 
    1. Allow 12-18 inch spacing between each hole 
    2. Leave an alternating pattern 
  4. Keep in mind not to bury the crown of the strawberry plant 
    1. Do not plant near fungal growth 
  5. Set plant into a hole that is the same depth as the roots and amends around with soil
    1. Leave the crown exposed ¼ inch above the soil 
  6. Thoroughly water each plant after finishing so they receive plenty of moisture